Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nerves: will they or won’t they, get the best of me?

It’s time to face the facts – in just two short (really short) days I’ll be jumping in the Chrysler 300 and heading East with Dad and Dog in tow. That’s SO exciting!

But it’s also really scary and anxiety ridden too. Just a small sample of the laundry list called ‘worry’ in my mind includes:

Leaving Cisco for two months – It’s upsetting and I’ll miss him. He’s my best bud and I’m all about having him around. I’ll say no more because I’m going to start practicing the art of staying positive.
Saying goodbye to my friends in Cali – It’s getting real, it’s getting real sad. I would say it hit home on Saturday night at Red Rock for my going away party. Great turn out, even better people.
The drive – Who will freak out first, dad or Meatball? Or as the underdog, will I come from behind and blow them both out of the water?
Speaking of the dog – He’s depressed. That’s right, the little/big guy is filled with anxiety too. (I think he’s catching it from his mom and dad). All the furniture is gone, he can’t sleep on the couch or even stand on something to look out the window. It looks like we’re running a torture mill in here.
The move and the money – Not surprisingly, they seem to go hand in hand and needless to say I’m not exactly where I’d like to be.
Work – Have I mentioned it’s been nonstop? No move across the country is slowing me down! And who can complain about being busy in this economy? Certainly not me.
Finding a new place to call home – I am tasked with finding the perfect apartment. It is my mission and I do chose to accept it, but I need to know where to start.
The swine flu – I’m just kidding, it’s actually the least of my concerns right now.

I’ve been through six apartments in four cities in five years in California. From Huntington Beach to Studio City and North Hollywood, it’s been a blast. I’ve had four jobs and two cars, one love and countless good friends during the time I’ve been here. The point is, coming to LA was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made – for a lot of reasons. First because of the experiences it has afforded me – and I don’t mean simply riding the Eliptical next to Justin Timberlake at the gym. But because of the personal and professional ways I have been able to grow up.

And second, because without coming out West, I don’t think I would have realized how important it is to be around - and be there for – lifelong family and friends. I wouldn’t have appreciated the seasons or the holidays or the birthdays as much either. In fact, before I moved to California, I stopped getting excited when it snowed or even rained and I took advantage of just how much personality New York , Philly and yes, even Jersey has. It really does.

So with all the stresses and uncertainties coming up and going on now, what I want to do this instant is let go and enjoy the ride. Can someone tell me how to do that? Because I’m ready.

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