Sunday, May 3, 2009

Delightful Delirium

I think when Green Day said, 'My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed, dried up and bulging out my skull,' they were on their third day of a road trip across the country.

Actually, today wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday. Yesterday we drove for over 13 hours and today was a mere 11. I scoff at 11 hours!

At this point though, I will say all of my emotions about coming or going, have faded into 'let's just get where we're going for God's sake.' And then at the same time I think, at least I'm not sitting in front of my computer at the office. This is a nice change.

Speaking of changes, we changed states a lot today. I rode through Sarah's, Robert's and Judi's home state one right after another, all in one day - Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Shout out to those three, as I've seen extraordinary things in each one of your birthplaces. In Illinois I saw a buffet in a gas station, in Indiana I saw a sheriff's office in a convenience store and in Ohio I saw a sign that let us know if you hit a road worker, you will receive up to 10 years in jail.

Also, you should know that I had an eye opening revelation today and have invented and predicted a national trend: Customized GPS devices that speak to their owners in an accent from the town in which they're from - the dialect is one individuals can not only understand, but relate to. Therefore, my (South Jersey) GPS device may not say 'go forward to Route 73,' but instead, 'ga'head to route 73.' This concept was born out of boredom and can work for anyone, from anywhere. Think about it...

Overall, I'm loving the adventure and wouldn't trade it for the world. But one thing I do hate is the limited time I get to talk to Cisco, because of the spotty service in and out, as well as the time change - coupled with the inability to sleep until after 5 am. All that said, I will think back on this one day and remember it fondly ... as the time our car smelled like sweat for four days straight. And until that time, I'm glad I have this blog to jot down the details. It's been awesome.

Tomorrow: Jersey!

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