Saturday, May 2, 2009

Toto, We are Not in Kansas Anymore ... Thank God!

Today Meatball let us know that he was officially on a hunger strike. He refused to eat or sleep since before we left California. At first we were unsure if that was the stand he was really taking, but by the time we rolled out of Grand Junction, CO pre-sunrise and had failed to sleep a solid hour because the dog was on neighborhood watch, we knew he was serious. Then, I slipped him a roofie and he slept from sun up to sun down.

In other news, the majority of our Colorado drive happened today. It was stunning. We drove most of the time next to the Colorado River and stopped to take in the view at Vail (home of Trista and Ryan, the only successful Bachelor couple in Bachelor history - the couple who beat each other, get arrested, make-up and repeat,don't count.) The area just got about two feet of snow and it was CHILLY. Really crazy to think that yesterday we were in Vegas at 92 degrees and now we were standing in snow up to our waist at a temperature of 39!

As we drove by what is probably the most beautiful part of the U.S., we soon found ourselves suprised by the impending state of mind numbing boredom ... the state of Kansas. Frankly, I'm not even going to waste time describing it but basically it's long, it's desolate and it's flat. I don't even know who built the roads we were driving on, as the population seems too slim to support a solid workforce (now I'm being a little harsh, but you get the point). However, although there are no actual citizens in sight for 400+ miles, there are police - a lot of them. One of which pulled us over for going 84 in a 75 and gave us a 130.00 ticket. He was lovely. As he proceeded to tell my father, a fellow officer who showed credentials, that he could call the Kansas Courthouse and 'jump through some hoops' to avoid getting points added to his record, he smiled warmly. That's right, he was a real doll.

And with that, six hours later, we left the hell-hole that is Kansas and entered the land of my grandfather, my mom's dad: Missouri.

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