Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No Concept of Time

Talking to my good friends in California has been different. Good, but different. After all, we are no longer on the same time zone! And that is not as basic as it sounds.

As I hung up the phone with Sarah tonight, I just about wished her sweet dreams before I realized that it's 6:45 pm over here and getting darker by the second - yet it's only 3:45 pm over there and she was just about to head out to do laundry. I think this is partly a result of me feeling tired all the time and ready to fall asleep at the drop of a dime, combined with the fact that I have no concept of Eastern Standard Time versus Pacific Standard Time - something I always swore I would be keenly aware of. After getting one too many calls at 7 am from my beloved friends in Jersey, I knew I'd always know better. And now I don't. For shame!

So Sarah, Judi, Maytal, Brittany and all my other West Coast girls, in seven to eight hours when you settle down for the night and wind down before bed, feel free to call me at 2:00 am to say goodnight! :)

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