Monday, September 28, 2009

Seating Charts Bring Out the Best in Everyone.

Can you sense my sarcasm? This weekend, my family and I did the seating chart for the wedding. We toiled through four hours of excruciating pain (while Cisco had a nice boys weekend with Eddie – thank you fellas) and finally came up with the perfect road map of reception bliss.

Then on Sunday, we went to see Dee our Lucien’s Manor event flow mastermind and she let us know that we had put the wrong number of people at each table and would need to rearrange the whole thing. Ouch.

So, we went back to the drawing board and this time, the task was filled with a little bit more tension and somewhat of a “why are you moving my guests?” attitude from all involved. (You know who you are.)

Isn’t it funny how where people sit at a wedding and who they sit with carries so much weight? And the person who invited them is left feeling defensive and protective over their positioning in the room?

In the end, we powered through the drama and have created a BIGGER, BADDER and more fun floor plan than ever before! In fact, I’m quite confident that these very crucial placements will be responsible for the most glorious of friendships and bonds that extend beyond time. And if they’re not, well then our guests can just get up after dinner and move about the cabin. No biggie.

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